This is Jay's last Sunday here so in celebration, we all hopped on a tap-tap and came to Indigo Resort for the day. It looks like we walked into a postcard or one of those beer ads on TV. I've not seen anything like it. It's truly an oasis amid the heat and mosquitoes.
In a little while, 12 of us will again hop in a tap-tap for the hour and a half dusty, bumpy ride back to Deschapelles. A tap-tap is the Haitian public transportation. It's basically a pick-up with seats and railings. It gets that name, I'm told, from the way someone lets the driver know they want to stop to get off. They tap a couple times on the side of the pick-up, the driver hears this and stops. There's a little joke here about tap-taps:
"How many people can you fit in a tap-tap?"
Answer: "One more!"
They also transport live animals and goods to the market in tap-taps.
Today is a wonderfully relaxing way to gear up for the busy week ahead. I'm looking forward to tomorrow because the cute little 4-year-old girl from Port-au-Prince that we cast last Wednesday is coming! I'll have my tape measure and hair ready (if this is confusing, scroll down to last Wednesday's post).