At random times during the last couple of days loud shouting pierced the once peaceful silence of Deschapelles. It originated from a nearby basketball court at a field behind our house. So, I went to check it out even though I knew the cause of the cheers - football (or soccer to us in the US).
Under a makeshift canopy of banana and coconut tree leafs, with a tap-tap's radio blaring the announcers every word, was a huddle of a mass of people. Here's what it looked like from afar:

The closer I got, the more people there seemed to be. Here's what it looked like closer up:

Now, I am only 5'3" tall so I never got to see a screen but some of the kids made sure they got to see by climbing into a near-by tree. Here's the kids:

The World Cup has been a huge topic of conversation and entertainment here. In the lab, the schedule of games is posted and an exuberant announcer's voice fills the plaster room from a radio on the counter top. According to our technicians, most Hatians' favorite teams are Brazil and Argentina. In the streets of Port-au-Prince yesterday, one could have easily assumed that Haiti had adopted one of those country's flags with so many being sold or displayed.
Argentina played today against South Africa and the cheers were abundant.
All coming from a field in Deschapelles, a half a world away from the football action, but you couldn't tell that from talking to people here.