We have become trilingual here in Haiti with my new crew which is a team from Switzerland. I can now say such useful words like screwdriver, ballpoint pen, and peanut butter in Swiss-German, Creole, and English. Yes, my language skills will definitely come in handy when I am stranded in a foreign land and my life depends on the ability to find a pen to draw a picture of a screwdriver covered in peanut butter. :)
Tonight, four of us played a card game with a Swiss deck that only has 36 cards. They are quite colorful. Here are some photos:

I am so impressed with the team’s ability to practice using English to talk to our translators who translate what they say into Creole.
Getting Haitians back up and walking at the Hanger Clinic is a multi-national effort now. And, in a pinch, I can always ask for a screwdriver!