I know the person who left in the middle of May is not the same one who's returning in three and a half weeks. I don't think I can put words to the change. I may not know for weeks or years to come. But this experience has enriched my life and allowed me to be a part of something amazing! For that I will always be grateful.
In an effort to be positive, I've been trying to think of things I'm looking forward to upon returning. Although I've been able to send letters out with practitioners, I welcome getting back to the regular correspondence with my grandma. Family, friends, a full weekend without work, running water, and twenty minutes without sweating - uh “glistening”, are things I'll enjoy. I already have a plan to go out for some yummy Mexican food with a dear friend upon my return and I must admit I'm really excited to see Toy Story 3 (I'm a bit of a Pixar junkie).
However, I know the minute the van pulls away from Deschapelles, and the distance between me and the clinic grows, the ache in my heart to be back will escalate. But, that is three weeks from now and many more prostheses away.
So, I will be grateful for the time I have been given and let each new day be another day to touch lives and just another change in the number on a calendar.
Here's a photo of the water tower for Deschapelles on yet another of the beautiful days that I have come to love here: