Brahms was just 6 months old when he was injured in the earthquake. I spoke with his mom and she told us his story. Brahms was lost in the earthquake and thought to be dead. His parents had given up looking for him in the rubble and knew it was unlikely that such a small child would have survived such a terrible ordeal. But, six days later, while searching for the remains of those who perished, Brahms would be pulled from the rubble. Unconscious and battered, he would spend the next three days in the hospital while the doctors tried to save his leg. However, the infection would not improve and his leg would have to be removed below the knee in order to save his life.
It did not dawn on me until a few days later, but I realized that the first steps that Brahms would ever take would be with a prosthesis I made for him at the Hanger Klinik. He is just shy of two years old now and I cannot wait to see how he does.