Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Reflections from Jay Tew – 3

Jay Tew recently returned to Haiti for a fourth rotation as lead clinician at Klinik Hanger. The next several blog posts are reflections from Jay about his most recent trip.

May 28, 2012

Well, Haiti is still hot! I start my day as always – totally drenched in sweat early in the morning. It usually takes about three days for my body to acclimate. As I walk to Klinik Hanger I see my old friend along the way. I walk in and it’s like being home. Joel, Tchoe, Alex, Cira, Roselean and Yvener are all as before, sustaining the clinic.

For my first day our patient load is a consistent flow of below– and above–knee amputees, and now, pediatric patients in need of ankle-foot orthoses (AFOs).  

We get a call from the hospital about an unstable humeral fracture in the ER. So Joel and I are off to evaluate and treat. We arrive at the ER and the patient has a left spiral fracture of the proximal humorous (also known as a broken shoulder) and distal break, so we cast and start fabrication immediately.