Monday, May 17, 2010

Anna's first day at the Hanger clinic in Haiti

Wow, what an amazing first day!

It seemed quite early this morning when a confused rooster welcomed the guys around 4am. Such friendly wildlife :)

The deluge of patients started at 8 and we didn't even break for a quick lunch until after 2. But, such rewarding work! The smiles here melt your heart.

Speaking of amazing smiles, I got to see Schneily today. If you don't know who that is, he's an amazingly cute 4-year-old that has been following. A ball of joyous energy and your friend right away. He is doing wonderfully! There was even a visitor today who asked which side his amputation was on! Here's some video of Schneily playing soccer ("football" here in Haiti) with Jay.

In the afternoon I got to work with a wonderful woman who lost a leg above-the-knee and an arm above-the-elbow on the other side in the earthquake. This afternoon, she got her prosthetic leg for the first time and was walking without her crutch by the end of the day! Wow!

*The above is a blog post e-mailed from Anna Avakian.