Saturday, May 29, 2010

A send-off for Jay Tew

Today was bittersweet as it was Jay's last day at the Hanger clinic. It was full of goodbyes, warm embraces, the occasional shared remembrances and final photos. Here's one I took of him with the Haitian staff:

I know Jay is torn -- he is really looking forward to being back with his family but he has also grown so close to his surrogate family here.

Tonight there was a get together in Jay's honor and for a therapist leaving at the same time. From the large attendance you could tell the impact Jay has had here. There were even a couple of patients there which I know was special for Jay.

Jay left some big shoes to fill and no one can be him. He has substantially contributed to the creation of a top-notch prosthetics facility here in Deschapelles and I plan on seeing to it that we continue to excel in providing prosthetic care to the wonderful people of Haiti.

Needless to say; Jay will be missed here. We'll be in touch though.

He may be leaving Haiti for now, but Haiti will never leave him.